The discounts do not apply to additional employees and state tax filing fees. If you file taxes in more than one state, each additional state is $12/month for Core. Service is optimized for up to 50 employees or contractors and capped at 150. Contractor payments via direct deposit are $4/month for Core. Each employee is an additional $4/month for Core. Your account will automatically be charged on a basis until you cancel. *50% off QuickBooks Online and/or QuickBooks Online Payroll for 3 months: Discount applied to the monthly price for QuickBooks Online (“QBO”) and/or QuickBooks Online Payroll Core is for the first 3 months of service, starting from the date of enrollment is free, followed by the then-current monthly list price. Discount does not apply to the QuickBooks Live Bookkeeping Setup one-time session. Bundle may include (1) a QuickBooks Online subscription and/or (2) QuickBooks Online Payroll Core and/or QuickBooks Live Bookkeeping Setup, at your option.